Why Raila Did Not Use a Sunroof Vehicle in Monday's Azimio Demonstrations

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Mar 27, 2023 07:03
Raila Odinga's armored Lexus KCY car. Photo| Courtesy

Azimio La Umoja Party Leader Raila Odinga took to the streets in an armored triple-reinforced bulletproof machine that provides him distinctive high-level of protection as his security is a major concern.

The civilian armored vehicle is designed with reinforced structures to shield its occupants from attacks, explosives, and gunfires.

According to several commentators, the Armored Lexus KCY car is said to be able to withstand a sniper’s bullet even at 1 cm close range.

The vehicle does not have a sunroof and that is why the former Prime Minister was addressing the crowd from the side door.

The sunroof would have made the former prime minister exposed especially at a time when there have been allegations that his life was at risk.

The vehicle’s off-road capabilities come in handy when accessing rugged terrain especially for the prime minister who traverses different parts of the country.

The vehicle is incredibly smooth yet powerful and better-equipped to tackle off-road obstacles.

Raila’s vehicle nonetheless, elicited reactions from a section of Kenyans present in the Azimio’s Monday Maandamano.




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