JKUAT Student Graduates After 7 Years Of Working in A Tea Plantation To Raise School Fees

ByEdgar Wabwire
Published on: Dec 01, 2023 07:12
A Collage image of Naom Kemunto. Photo Courtesy

In the heart of Kenya, amidst the lush greenery of tea plantations, a story of resilience and determination unfolds. Naom Kemunto, a student from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), embarked on a journey marked by unwavering commitment and tireless perseverance.

For Naom, the pursuit of education was not merely a goal but a relentless quest against formidable odds. Born into a humble background, she faced financial challenges that threatened to derail her dreams. Yet, instead of succumbing to despair, Naom made a bold decision that would alter the course of her life.

With unwavering determination, Naom ventured into the tea plantations, where rows of verdant bushes stretched endlessly into the horizon.

It was here, amidst the gentle rustle of leaves and the earthy aroma of freshly plucked tea leaves, that Naom found solace and purpose.

For seven long years, she toiled tirelessly as a tea picker, each day a testament to her unyielding resolve to carve a path to success.

The tea plantation, once merely a workplace, transformed into a symbol of dedication and sacrifice for Naom.

Every leaf she plucked, every drop of sweat she shed, was a reminder of her unwavering commitment to her education. Despite the backbreaking labor and the relentless challenges she faced, Naom refused to waver in her pursuit of knowledge.

"I come from a humble background," Naom revealed in a phone Interview with Look Up Digital, her voice tinged with quiet determination. "But I was determined to defy the odds and secure my place in academia."

In 2017, Naom embarked on her academic journey at JKUAT, pursuing a degree in Food Science and Nutrition.

Her years at the university were marked by countless sacrifices and sleepless nights, yet Naom persevered with unwavering resolve.

As she finally donned her cap and gown on graduation day, Naom took to her X account, formerly Twitter, to share her journey with the world. "Joined JKUAT in 2017 and left in 2023. Delay is not denial," she wrote, her words echoing with the resounding triumph of perseverance over adversity.

With her degree in hand, Naom looks toward the future with hope and determination. "I hope with this degree, I will be able to change my story," she declares, her eyes shining with determination. "It has not been an easy ride, but I am ready to seize the opportunities that lie ahead."

After highlighting her story at Look Up Digital a story of hard work and determination Naom called us just a week after graduation to let us know she had landed an internship.

Naom Kemunto's journey is a poignant testament to the indomitable spirit of the human soul. Through hardship and adversity, she emerged victorious, a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who dare to dream against all odds.

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