Ziggy Marley Sings A Classical Kenyan Song To Kenyans

ByDebra Natasha
Published on: Dec 13, 2022 03:12
A picture of Ziggy Marley| Photo Courtesy of American Libraries Magazine

David Nesta popularly known as ‘Ziggy’ a Jamaican philanthropist, singer, songwriter, musician and also an actor who is the son of icon Bob Marley gives Kenyans a hearty Independence Day message through his music.

He honoured Kenyans’ Jamhuri day by performing a Reggae rendition of the classic song ‘Jambo Bwana.’

He took to his Instagram page and was accompanied by his little daughter who displayed her own musical touch by playing the tambourine.

Considering that Jambo Bwana is a well-liked song for Kenya's patriotic days, it was a fitting choice and timing. Furthermore, Ziggy's Swahili is excellent and demonstrates how much preparation he put into the song.

Over 10,000 people have already liked the post in the few hours since it went up. His Kenyan supporters have used his statements to express their admiration and national pride.


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