Mother in Tears After Youtuber Xtian Dela Blocks Her and Cuts Off Family

ByEdgar Wabwire
Published on: Mar 04, 2023 10:03
Xtian Dela's Mum Cries Bitterly As She Begs Son to Come Home, Says She's Not Seen Him 4 Years. Photo Courtesy

More than four years have passed since Arthur Mandela Nyongesa, often known as Xtian Dela, last paid his mother a visit.

The incident has left the widow angry and wondering why her son a YouTuber and a social media sensation, who she claims was born in 1990, chose to flee his house.

Bishop Naomi Nyongesa, a lady who claims to be the Youtuber’s mother said that Xtian Dela's periods of disappearance began in 2019 and that he would always provide an explanation when she sought to invite him to see her.

“I repeatedly tried to get in touch with him but he kept saying he was busy, so I eventually gave up even though I was really suffering.” She lamented.

Dela's mother claims that not being able to see her son in person and only being able to see him in pictures and videos cause her unfathomable suffering every day.

“I have no bad sentiments toward him or his wife, she added through tears. Every parent would be worried if they don't see their child for so long.” She said amid tears.

The resentful mother added that perhaps the well-known YouTuber was afraid to return to his former lifestyle because he was reared in a Religious family.

Perhaps the only thing that accurately captures the mother's hurt feelings has to do with her feelings for Dela's child.

"I understand you married Fatma and had a child with her. May that child desert you in the future just as you have abandoned me, "She delivered an expletive.

The grieving mother continued, saying that she still adored her son and that they had not argued before the renowned YouTuber deserted her.

She notes that ever since her husband passed away, Xtian Dela had been her only source of support.

Our efforts to reach out to Dela hit a dead end as the social media personality chose not to comment on the issue.

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