Diamond Platinumz Breaks Up With His WCB Signee Zuchu

ByEdgar Wabwire
Published on: Jan 19, 2024 12:01
Diamond and Zuchu. Photo Courtesy

Tanzanian Bongo star Diamond Platnumz recently announced his single status, clarifying that he is not currently in a relationship with any woman. 

Taking to Instagram, the WCB boss urged his fans to refrain from associating him with any particular woman, emphasizing that he will promptly inform them when he decides to start dating again, a practice he has consistently followed in the past.

This revelation has surprised many of his fans, considering the ongoing speculation about his relationship with Tanzanian singer and Wasafi Records signee, Zuchu. 

Despite the absence of a public declaration, Diamond and Zuchu have been frequently seen enjoying each other's company and sharing kisses on stage.

The announcement coincided with recent comments from Diamond's mother, Sandra, also known as Mama Dangote, who asserted that her son and Zuchu were not romantically involved. 

According to her, Diamond is simply Zuchu's boss, and she added that it's not uncommon for him to be linked with women since the beginning of his music career.

In February of the previous year, Diamond had declared his single status, inviting potential lovers to try their luck with either him or Zuchu. 

He emphasized that those interested should be engaged in meaningful pursuits, as both he and Zuchu do not easily part with their money. Despite such declarations, the two continued to display affection for each other, with Zuchu even admitting to feeling jealous and causing a disturbance at Diamond's home after he kissed another woman.

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