Kenya Staring at another Covid-19 wave?

ByMoses Okech
Published on: Jan 16, 2023 01:01
Courtesy of LookUp Tv

The World Health Organization (WHO) has called on China to continue releasing more information about its wave of COVID-19 infections after the country indicated through official data that nearly 60,000 deaths occurred in the country after the body constantly complained of a lack of updates on a wave of infections.

The latest announcement on Saturday (January 14) was the first official death toll since the ruling Communist Party abruptly dropped anti-virus restrictions in December despite reports that the country was going through a new wave of infections.

Locally there are worries that the country has relaxed its measures on Covid-19 mitigation with the change in guard in the ministry of health.

Citizens that LOOK UP TV DIGITAL interviewed regarding their view of Covid-19 indicated that the majority of them believe that Covid-19 is a gone concern.

“ Hii Covid mimi naona nikama imeisha,kwa sababu hakuna kufuata sheria zilikuwanaga hapo kitambo,sahii unaskianga kesi za Covid zikitangazwa kila siku….zimeisha.’’said one Mark Otieno at the Kawangware area in Nairobi.

Kenya experienced its first wave of Covid on August  2020 with the second wave following a few months later in November of the same year. The country saw the waves hit one after another with the 6th wave experienced in January 2022.

Health experts now say that the Country might get into the 7th wave at a time when the guard has been lowered with the ministry of health projecting that the virus would persist in the next 63 days from December and January 2023.

According to the Ministry of Health   Emergence Response Committee report on the virus, in the last 24 hours,3 people have tested positive from a sample size of 297 tested.1 is a male and 2 are female. Total confirmed positive cases are now 342,703 with cumulative tests so far conducted standing at 3,964,022.47 patients have recovered pushing the total recoveries to 336 874  with fatalities in the country at 5,688.

Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha advises the public to wear their masks, wash hands and maintain social distancing guidelines.


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