Feeling Down, Depressed and Anxious???

ByPheona Kenga
Published on: Jan 16, 2023 01:01
Courtesy of LookUp Tv

I know sometimes it gets so dark that you can't see your way out. I know it hurts so much that giving up feels like the only option.

You've been down so long it's hard to believe you'll ever get back up again. 

Just take a deep breath, you have air in your lungs and that means you're still ALIVE and HERE. You're still alive and as long as you are breathing you can still fight.

You might feel lost, but God knows exactly where you are. He's with you and He'll never leave you.

So, tell the voices in your head, tell that depression, tell that addiction, tell those fears and insecurities to kick rocks because you are NOT a quitter.

“You ain't a victim, you're a VICTOR. Your life has purpose.”

There’s no failure except in no longer TRYING. So, it doesn’t matter how slowly you go as long as you DON’T STOP.

Your darkest days will bring you to your brightest future. Your struggle won't break you, it's building you.

Keep breathing, keep fighting and thank God what should have taken you out, DID NOT!!!

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt.

I’m praying for you.




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