In a video making rounds on social media platforms, a man is seen pouring what is believed to be sulfuric acid on ground nuts, commonly known as (njugu), thick smoke evaporates from the nuts as he shakes them.
For the sellers, it is a quick way to make money from unsuspecting customers. Groundnuts are a common snack enjoyed by both rich and middle-class people. Ideally nuts are roasted, fried or baked but this new revelation is causing fear among many people.
The effects of Sulfuric acid on food are immense, it causes burns when it comes into contact with human skin, it can burn the eyes, burn holes in the stomach if swallowed, irritate the nose and throat, and cause difficulties in breathing if inhaled.
This delicacy that some men refer to as “shtua machine’’ as it is believed to be a game changer to low libido and bed performance is now becoming vulnerable to all manner of effects due to its high demand.
Sulfuric acid produces coagulation necrosis of the gastric mucosa and submucosa, and the process may involve the entire thickness of the gastric wall, with subsequent ulceration and fibrosis.
The long-term effect of the usage of sulfuric acid on our body is significant alterations of immunoglobulin titer, depression of primary antibody response in spleen cell antigenic stimulation, and decreased resistance to respiratory infection as measured by mortality.