Are Men The Now Victims Of Domestic Violence?

ByWanjiru Karuga
Published on: Jan 17, 2023 06:01
An image of domestic abuse. Photo| Courtesy

Traditionally, cases of violence in homes were mostly caused by the men, with the man being the only one allowed to call the shots and the woman’s job being to sit back and nod to every decision made, whether right or wrong.  
Women were not allowed to be as vocal, which resulted in them being pinned down by their men and even abused while saying nothing, which became the norm. Part of the reason they would sit still and do nothing was because that is what they were taught as children or because they were advised to do so, "a woman should not speak while men are speaking/a woman should never contradict what a man says," they were told.

Right now, with evolution, women are more liberated in how they think about home schemes and even relationships in general. Women have become more vocal, and contrary to what most traditional parents taught their children, this new generation contradicts most words that were spoken, which appeared to deny women a voice in society.

Empowerment is the perfect word to describe this, but has it been misunderstood? Some would say it means taking over the big seats, while others would justify it by saying "what a man can do, a woman can do better," and to some, it means women will no longer be put down in words or action. Assuming all of this is correct, where do men stand if every woman pulls this card, and should women try to redefine what true empowerment means?

For years, the fight for equity has been sung, but no gender is satisfied with what is offered. After laying out a number of reasons why women use violence as a form of defence, do you believe women being abusive in today's society is justified? Is the girl child more empowered than the boy child? Do you think we should renounce gender empowerment in favour of human empowerment? How do we put an end to the cycle of domestic violence? Should there be a general empowerment movement in which both genders feel free to speak up when cornered?

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