Author's Articles
Dec 02, 2022 02:12:04

Rangwe MP Aspirant Omburo Odaje Robbed Kshs. 1 Million At Gun Point

Police in Homa Bay county are looking for four robbers who robbed Rangwe parliamentary candidate Omburo Odaje Kshs. 1 million at gunpoint from his home.
Dec 02, 2022 02:12:54

Kibra Residents Block Car of Man Who Resembles Wajackoyah, demand To Addressed

A man who looks like the presidential candidate of the Roots party, George Wajackoyah, encountered problems while trying to pass through the streets of the slums of Kibera.
Dec 02, 2022 02:12:37

Guadian Angel Hits Back At Claims He Is Adopted By Wife; ‘I Am Enjoying’

Gospel musician Guardian Angel has slammed critics who criticize his marriage with Esther Musila, others claiming that he is being adopted.
Dec 02, 2022 02:12:00

Coast Land Politics; Politicians Promise to end Land Injustices

A section of political leaders in Kilifi have promised to issue title deeds to every land owner, adding it is part of their determination to end land injustices in the area.
Dec 02, 2022 02:12:37

Uhuru Dismisses Claims He Plans to Assassinate Ruto And His Allies

The differences between President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy William Ruto regarding the politics of succession continued to be witnessed on Sunday, August 31, 2022.
Dec 02, 2022 02:12:59

Isiolo County Commissioner Urges Residents To Report Gun-Wielding Members Of Militia Groups

Police in Isiolo have intensified the search for suspected gun-wielding members of militia groups who have fled Marsabit county due to the ongoing police operation and have sought refuge in parts of the neighboring county of Isiolo.
Dec 02, 2022 02:12:03

Homestretch Kajiado Campaigns

As the campaigns get to homestretch towards the 9th August Polls, Azimio One Kenya coalition candidates in Kajiado County have pitched tents in urban centres targeting the immigrants’ swing votes.
Dec 02, 2022 01:12:23

School Girl Gets Sponsorship after rescue from early marriage

In the Maasai community culture, it is practical for a young woman to be married off at an early age to a much older man against her will. The move has led the girl in the community to drop education, early marriage, and Female Genital Mutilation among other vices meted to them.
Dec 02, 2022 01:12:47

Kilifi Azimio leaders tell voters to elect Raila as president to break monotony

Azimio la Umoja one Kenya’s leaders in Kilifi County have asked Kenyans to vote for Raila Odinga to be the fifth president of the republic so as to break the monotony of two tribes ruling the nation since independence.
Dec 02, 2022 01:12:14

NCIC expresses concern over presence of criminal gangs in Nakuru

The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has expressed its concern over the continued presence of criminal gangs in Nakuru two weeks before the general elections.