Winnie Odinga nominated to EALA by political party ODM

ByLook Up Tv Reporter
Published on: Dec 02, 2022 04:12
Winnie Odinga, ODM party leader Raila Odinga’s daughter, makes it to the final list of the six (EALA) nominees

The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has agreed on the nominees of the East Africa Legislative Assembly (EALA). The six chosen nominees will battle it out for the election in the (EALA). The selection committee was presided over by Deputy Party Leader Wycliffe Oparanya. In a statement that was released on Wednesday, Winnie Odinga who is the daughter of ODM Party leader Raila Odinga was at the forefront.

Another prominent nominee who made it on the list is Suleiman Shahbal, who contested for the ODM party ticket in the Mombasa Governor race but lost to incumbent Abdullswamad Nassir. Also on the list is former Shinyalu MP Justus Kizito who was trounced by Fred Ikana from (ANC) in the August 9th election. Reports however emerged that Winnie Odinga had been considered for the (EALA) position in October but she denied applying.

“I have not applied for (EALA) nor has any official communication come from the party. Just a disgruntled incoming CS bothered by the girl,” Winnie Odinga said.

Two hundred and eighty-seven people were shortlisted for the nomination as representatives to (EALA). The chosen nominees will compete for the nine slots in the regional parliament. The two main parties which are Kenya Kwanza and Azimio will battle for the positions. Kenya Kwanza will get five out of nine seats being the majority in Parliament, while Azimio will get four seats.

The (EALA) elections act, 2011 provides that a new assembly is elected within ninety days before the expiry of the term of the subsisting assembly. On November 17, the National Assembly will vote to pass nine names who will sit in the Arusha-based assembly. Just like their political parties counterparts, independent candidates are required to submit their applications by Wednesday, November 9.

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