William Ruto Appointed Tribunal Recommends the Removal of IEBC Commissioner Irene Masit

ByBrian Amwai
Published on: Feb 27, 2023 05:02
IEBC commissioner Irene Masit. Photo| Courtesy

On Monday February 27th, the tribunal appointed by president William Ruto to consider a petition for the removal of IEBC commissioner Irene Masit delivered its verdict.

The document compiled by the tribunal recommended the removal of the embattled commissioner from office of the electoral body.

"Therefore, this tribunal recommends to Your Excellency, the President of the Republic of Kenya, pursuant to the mandate assigned vide Gazette Notice No. 14790 of December 2, 2022, and further in accordance and in compliance with Article 251 (1) and (6) that Commissioner Irene Cherop Masit be removed from office as a member of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission," the report read in part.

The tribunal report shows that Masit was found guilty of having committed three offences as had been alleged by the petitioner.

The tribunal found Masit guilty of gross misconduct where she was accused of trying to moderate the presidential results to enable a re-run.

Masit was also found guilty of trying to undermine and erode public trust in IEBC by issuing a press statement at Serena hotel and disowning the results.

"Having considered all the evidence tendered, the Tribunal finds that the allegations of serious violation of the constitution and the law and the allegations of gross misconduct against Commissioner Irene Masit have been proved to the required standard," the report reads in part.

Masit is among the four IEBC commissioners who were suspended from office by President William Ruto in December last year.

The other three commoners resigned leaving Masit, who stood her ground that she was innocent of the allegations levelled against her.

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