We Need To Listen and Understand Each other on LGBTQI- Reuben Kigame

ByBrian Amwai
Published on: Feb 28, 2023 05:02
Rueben Kigame. Photo| Courtesy

As the nation continues to be divided on the LGBTQI Debate, former presidential aspirant Rueben Kigame is the latest to weigh in on the matter.

Kigame took to his twitter to address the issue calling on public participation and tolerance when handling the LGBTQI matter.

“On LBGTQI The emotions go high because we are not listening to or understanding each other. As a result, we judge each other using emotions. this is odd not to be. listening and carefully reading are just as important as talking or writing.” Kigame wrote on Twitter.

The outspoken Kigame also added that the constitution provides for non-discrimination of people based on their gender, genetic composition, disability or physical challenge adding that no one should be judged or condemned.

“Article 27 of our constitution confirms this…. However, any right can be limited by what we do with it. Even freedom of association has been abused,” Reads the statement in part.

Kigame also says no one can be forced to convert to something they do not subscribe to calling on a national conversation and participation on the matter because it involves those who support and those who do not subscribe to that belief. 

“I insist that public participation on this question is important because it involves those who support the ruling and those who don’t. I am not particularly sure about the wisdom of legislating morality," the statement reads.

Kigame further accused institutions of using financial incentives to lure young people into joining the LGBTQI community and pushing an agenda.  

” It is just as wrong to force someone to convert to Christianity or Islam as it is to push our youth to join LGBTQI by legislation or financial incentives as is the case in several institutions where young people are paid sometimes hundreds of thousands of shillings to join.

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