“Watoto Wetu Wanahara" Kitengela Residents Protest Dumpsite

ByEdwin John Mukora
Published on: Feb 08, 2023 01:02
Kitengala residents hold placards protesting dumpsite in their estate /Photo Courtesy

Residents of the Migingo area in Kitengela Kajiado county have taken to the streets over the dumpsite in their estate that is affecting their well-being. 

The residents have lamented the effects of the dumpsite causing inherent hygiene-related diseases affecting their children and animals

The smoke from burnt trash has been a tall order for them saying it has affected their respiratory system with pregnant women and children being affected the most.

Caroline onyari one of the residents has said “  Garbage disposal here stinks even inside our houses and burnt waste mixed with dust is making our children sick. The smoke  is  also choking  our chicken.

They have made several complains to the county government but their cries have been futile.

The residents have now vowed to stay put in the demonstrations till their grievances are addressed and the dumpsite is relocated to another part. They have further called on Kajiado governor Joseph OLe Lenku to intervene and relocate the dumpsite to another area away from human settlement.


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