Wajackoyah Appeals To President Ruto On Legalization Of Bhang

ByBrian Kamau
Published on: Dec 27, 2022 12:12
Former Presidential aspirant Wajackoyah with Current President Ruto. Photo Courtesy

Roots party leader Prof. George Wajackoyah has pleaded with President William Ruto to conduct proper research into the bhang business and legalize it for commercialization, industrialization, and medicinal use. The one-time presidential aspirant believes that with the legalization of bhang comes a healthy economy.

“Ningependa kumwuliza Rais Ruto aangalie hii maneno…ama tukae chini kama leaders wa this Country tujadiliane tulete bangi yetu ya Bunyore na Nyamira. Bangi ndio itaokoa ata hawa vijana wa talanta…mambo ya kudanganywadanganywa hapa ati pesa itatoka kwa serikal serikali haina pesa,” Wajackoyah said.

Wajackoyah who on Monday was speaking in Emuhaya called for the President to listen to him and dip into the issue. He went ahead to add that the proceeds of bhang from these three uses can be pumped back into the National Treasury’s coffers, which he intimated are presently relatively empty. The controversial Roots party boss also wants the country’s security organs to halt all arrests against those found growing bhang terming it as medicine.

“Mimi bado nimesimama na huo mpango, ikiwa Ruto ataniskiza aniskie kama hataki ni sawa. Lakini bangi lazima ipandwe na Bunyore ndio itakuwa nchi ya bangi. For commercialization, industrialization and medicinal use…kuvuta sio kitu, inavutwa ata leo. Tunataka polisi waachane na watu upande wa bangi…bangi ni dawa, tafadhali mtoe hiyo kipengo ya kusema bangi sio halali.” The Roots party boss added.

He further held that snake farming is a multi-billion-shilling business that also needs to be explored for the benefit of the people and the country. Wajackoyah added that he has since engaged Baringo Governor over the same agenda and received assurance that the county is not short of snakes that can be reared and its venom sold.

“Niliongea na Gavana wa Baringo juzi akaniambia kwamba Baringo kuna nyoka nyingi sana na wameanza kufuga nyoka. Saa hizi ukitaka kufuga nyoka kuna leseni kwa KWS mimi nilikuwa nafikiria kwamba hakukuwa na sheria, kunayo kama mna nyoka tafadhali fugeni nyoka…ile kitu ambayo hatuna ni progression ya kutoa venom. Gram moja ya venom ni USD 6,000…ngozi ya nyoka inaenda Italy na Turkey kutengeneza viatu na jackets…nyama ya nyoka tutapea Chinese maanake hii deni imezidi.” Wajackoyah stated.

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