Uganda’s President Set to Discuss the Anti-Gay Bill with Lawmakers

ByMaureen Lurare
Published on: Apr 20, 2023 05:04
President Museveni and the Parliament. Photo| Courtsey

President Yoweri Museveni set to meet lawmakers from the ruling party to discuss the Anti-gay legislation which is highly criminalized in the country.

The Ugandan Parliament approved the Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2023 last month, including strict penalties for anyone engaging in the activity.

This Anti- LGBTQ bill will impose the death penalty for engaging in gay sex when HIV-positive and a 20-year sentence for promoting homosexuality in the country.

Despite the US warnings of economic repercussions, the Ugandan Government is still going to pass on this legislation on Thursday.

Also last month United Nations experts put out a statement condemning these laws that Uganda has set, saying that making homosexuality punishable by death is an egregious violation of human rights.

They also urged the Ugandan President not to pass on these laws that take aim at people identifying as LGBTQ and those who support and defend their human rights.

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