Two Dead in Mandera Al-Shabaab Attack

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Dec 11, 2022 04:12
Al-Shabab fighting to overthrow Somalia's government. Photo|Courtesy

Two dead in Al-Shabaab attack between Jabibar and Bamboo in Mandera North on December 11 morning.


A father and his son were driving in a land cruiser when they got ambushed by suspected Al-Shabaab militants on the Rhamo-Elwak road, police said adding three other passengers were injured in the attack.


"A land Cruiser was ambushed by suspected Al-Shabaab militants between Jabibar and Bambo villages on its way to Wajir. Unfortunately, two occupants died on the spot,” said Onesmus Kyatha said.


Mandera County Commissioner Onesmus Kyatha confirmed the incident and said reinforcement is sent to the area to pursue the attackers.


According to Local residents, the gang opened fire on the car after the deceased refused to surrender. They added, the gang was after the vehicle for use in Somalia where they are facing pressure from the local administration.


The three who got injured included National Police reservists attached to Jabibar's post.


Jabibar village is near the Kenya-Somali border and is constantly facing terrorist attacks. This comes after terrorists stole a four-wheel drive car belonging to a Mandera resident.


Somalia has not had a stable government after the fall of Siad Barre in 1991.


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