TSC Cancels Promotion Of Teachers Amid Protests

ByMitchell Awuor
Published on: Dec 25, 2022 10:12
TSC Chief Executive Officer Nancy Macharia. Photo Courtesy

A job listing for 14,738 promotion openings has been canceled by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

The issue of teacher promotion has grown complex. The employer of the tutors has twice testified before the National Assembly Education and Research Committee in the past two weeks. MPs were not happy with the commission's decision to not promote teachers who had been in the same job category for a long time.

Omboko Milemba, the chairman of the Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), supported the cancellation and requested that the TSC expand the number of openings. He continued by saying that many deserving instructors would be excluded.

Only 3,392 of the seats would have been allocated to secondary schools, according to the advertisement. Since the Wednesday commercial, there have been numerous complaints about how teachers are being treated unfairly on social media.

The openings resulted through deaths, resignations, or retirements. In addition to teaching, many instructors have been serving in managerial capacities. Mr. Milemba accused the commission of failing to promote teachers, which resulted in their loss of benefits.

“This is a pending bill that’s not qualified. It is exploitation of labour by the TSC and government. I’ve put a question in Parliament but I’m doing research with my office staff to back the numbers up. It’s become impossible to be promoted unless you’re in administration,” the Emuhaya MP said.

Moses Mbora, secretary-general of the Nairobi KUPPET Branch, claimed that teachers have lost motivation as a result of long-term stagnation in one grade. He continued by saying that failing to elevate deputies and having numerous principals and top principals will lead to a succession dilemma. He demanded a return to the TSC's schemes of service and the elimination of the career development criteria used to advance teachers.

The commissioners' representatives found it difficult to provide an explanation for the lack of advancement when they spoke before the Education Committee.

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