Thieves Dig Pit Under Phone Shop, Make Way With Over Ksh.70K

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Jan 18, 2023 09:01
A hole drilled in a phone store in Kitengela. Photo|Courtesy

It is exactly six days since two robbers bored a hole in a phone store in Kitengela and stole goods worth at least Sh700,000.

The incident occurred on the evening of January 12 and was captured by surveillance cameras.

The Robbers are said to have reserved two rooms in a hotel close to the phone store around 4 PM on Thursday and took at least eight hours to drill a hole from one of the chambers.

Surveillance footage seen by Look UP TV Digital showed two men making their way to the main shop area from the hole at 5:08 am, and at 6.20 am, they packed up their loot and exited the store.

The first suspect can be seen trying to fit himself through the hole, He then turned off one of the CCTV cameras and signalled his companion to follow.

The lodging’s caretaker Cornelius Nzioka, claimed that one of the suspects was a regular customer who consistently favoured room 106, which is next to the phone shop.

“One of the suspects was a regular customer and always preferred room 106 which is adjacent to the phone shop,” Nzioka said.

“The personal identifying information that they provided to the receptionist was later found to be false, the provided mobile phone numbers are no longer active,” he added.

The owner of the shop seemingly believes that the heist was calculated.

"It was a premeditated crime. I lost new phone handsets, credit cards, EarPods and cash,” he said.

Isinya Sub-County Police Commander Ancent Kaloki said officers are investigating the incidents.


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