The National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gladys Boss Shollei asks County Governors to generate their own revenue

ByNelvin Mulama
Published on: Apr 27, 2023 08:04
The National Assembly Deputy Speaker Gladys Boss Shollei. Photo| Courtesy

The National Assembly deputy speaker Gladys Boss Shollei has asked governors to consider ways of generating their own source of revenue.

Speaking on Thursday 27th April in a breakfast meeting held by the Pan African Congress Kenyan chapter, Gladys Shollei said when Governors generate their own source of revenue they will not have the financial struggles they keep encountering every year and will also help to sustain the budget of the Counties.

Shollei said it is not proper for governors to keep demanding more funds yet they cannot show the amount of money they are able to raise.

Shollei added that when Governors grow their own revenue it will help boost and strengthen devolution.

A couple of days ago, the chairperson of the Council of Governors Ann Waiguru pleaded with the state to release funds owed to county governments.

Ann Waiguru gave notice that county governments will stop working in case the treasury does not release the Ksh 125.8 billion to the county governments for the months of January, February, March and April.

County governments and the national treasury have been at a standstill due to the delayed delivery of funds.

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