The Clergy Strongly Condemns Horrific Killings Of Women

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Jan 21, 2024 04:01
An image of people protesting over recent femicide killings. Photo| Courtesy

The clergy has cautioned young people to be weary of their company to combat the current erosion of society being witnessed today.

Speaking during the annual ACK prayer event Machakos diocese held at ACK Mt Zion prayer centre in Machakos County, Machakos diocese Bishop Joseph Mutungi attributed the current murder of young people to the people they associate with and many a times lacks of counsel from the clergy.

The Bishop said the family unit is currently under attack due to the nature of the world to derail the family's goals, visions, and dreams.

He lamented the current femicide attacks, in which he claims the perpetrators are merciless and ruthless, and therefore, the nation needs to pray for them to know God.

He applauded the Government for coming up with measures demanding the identification of those owning AirBnBs as a way to end the current deaths witnessed in those rooms.

He urged the parliament, the Judiciary, and the executive to prioritize mwananchi's needs when making decisions.

More than seven hundred congregants turned up for the annual prayer event with the message of the day being hope and revelation for 2024.

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