Susan Kihika Fires Entire Naivasha Level IV Hospital Board

ByCecilia Lubanga
Published on: Jan 18, 2023 12:01
An Image of Nakuru County Governor Susan Kihika. Photo| Courtesy

Nakuru County Governor Susan Kihika has sent the entire Naivasha Level IV hospital board packing due to poor governance and failure to oversee the facility’s management.

The board was sent home following an outcry from members of the public over the provision of services in the debt-ridden hospital.

The move came hours after area residents held a demonstration outside the hospital to protest the death of a woman from bleeding hours after delivering without the help of the horses at the hospital.

On Tuesday, irate residents blocked the road leading to the facility to protest the death of 23-year-old Rebecca Wangari who had been admitted to the facility for three days.

While issuing the directive, the County Secretary Dr Samuel Mwaura said that the sacking of the board was part of restructuring the hospital that serves over 1,000 people every day.

He admitted that the hospital faced tens of challenges including staff and medical shortages which had affected service delivery.

While admitting that there was a problem in the hospital, Mwaura said that the county was keen on addressing this by employing more staff and providing the required drugs and equipment.

“The board of this hospital has failed in its oversight role and been a link to the public and the Governor will be electing new members in the coming weeks,” he said.

Mwaura added that a team had been formed to investigate alleged cases of maternal deaths with a promise to take necessary action.

According to him, the hospital had a debt of 250 million shillings owed to suppliers making it impossible to offer the required services.

“Suppliers have not been paid since 2020 and many doctors have left for further learning and this has had negative effects on the hospital,” he said.

The doctor further noted that the failure to promote the medical personnel since 2015 had affected staff morale adding that this would be addressed in the next one month.

On drug shortage, he said that the county first procured drugs worth Sh48m adding that another batch of 100 million shillings was on the way to address the current shortage in public hospitals.

Viwandani MC Mwangi Muraya welcomed the move to send the board packing noting that this was part of the measures put in place to improve service delivery in the public hospital.

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