South Africa Elections Draw Near

ByJacob Ochiro
Published on: May 10, 2024 02:05
A Collage Image Of South Africa's Flag and Ballot Box || PHOTO COURTESY

South Africa is two weeks away from polls set to be conducted on the 29th of May.

IPSOS polls are putting the ruling party ANC ahead of its competitors at 40.2% falling short of the requisite percentage to form government hence forecasting the possibility of formation of a coalition government.

The polls also suggest that the ANC will lose its majority after 30 years while remaining the largest party, opening the possibility of a coalition government.

According to a majority of South Africans, ANC has failed citing economic stagnation, poor delivery of basic services, and corruption as some of the issues that have made the ruling party lose popularity.

The Multi-Party Charter (MPC) has 11 member parties who have agreed on broad policy priorities and whose ambition is to dislodge the ANC in the most unpredictable election of the post-apartheid era.

One figure who is emerging as a potential kingmaker is Former President Jacob Zuma whose party is among the 11 in the MPC.

The Economic Freedom Fighters party of charismatic Julius Malema is still among the parties commanding a minority following according to pollsters but could be a key player in coalition formation.

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