Ruto Fires a Warning to Three “Alcoholics” in His Cabinet

ByBrian Amwai And Edgar Wabwire
Published on: Feb 10, 2023 04:02
An Image Of President Ruto with his Cabinet. Photo Courtesy

President William Ruto is reported to have sat down three senior “bottle loving” members of his cabinet, giving them a stern warning against kissing the bottle whenever they get an opportunity.

The president who is a “no alcohol Crusader’’ sounded a warning to the three asking them to be serious with their work and focus on working for Kenyans as alcohol seems to derail them from their daily activities.

Sources within the president’s circle revealed to  Lookup Digital that the three top members of the cabinet have been going on a drinking spree neglecting their duties.

The source revealed that one of the culprits is a seasoned politician hailing from western Kenya and holds a senior position in Ruto’s appointed Cabinet. However, the said Cabinet Official in his public appearances looks calm and collected making it impossible for the public to suspect that once in a while he visits “Mama Pima”

The other Two Members hail from the Mountain where Dp RIgathi Gachagua has been on the forefront calling for the closure of bars. Ruto’s government is looking at their bottle loving behavior as betrayal to their course since the government seems to be preaching water while literally drinking wine.

The two, one a vocal CS who has been making headlines for his loud mouth since he was appointed and another calm and supposedly ‘’orderly’’ politician seem to be taking the celebration of their appointment to another level more than 100 days later.

The president seems to want a clean Cabinet and is mindful of his Cabinet members by not wanting them to intoxicate their liver.

It would have been expected that the three would have gotten the memo by now since the president has been holding thanks giving prayers since he was sworn in.

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