Raila Revisits Bomas Brouhaha, Warns Churches Over Supporting Injustice

ByMitchell Awuor
Published on: Dec 26, 2022 12:12
Former Prime Minister and opposition leader Raila Odinga. Photo Courtesy

Raila Odinga, the head of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party, launched an allegation against a group of church leaders on Sunday, December 25, accusing them of supporting political causes.

Speaking at a Christmas service in Siaya County, Raila brought up the Bomas incident that occurred during the announcement of the election results on August 9 and said that the stance taken by the church leadership may have had an impact on the result.

The Azimio leader claims that despite his sides' objections, the election process was legitimized by a decision made by one of the clerics present at the Bomas of Kenya National Tallying Center to pray and support the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) results.

Odinga cautioned the leaders against enabling politicians to use places of worship as forums for insulting and hating other leaders, stating that doing so poses the risk of the church straying from its primary function.

Instead, he advised the clergy to refrain from engaging in political activism and fulfill their duties of providing oversight, particularly by denouncing injustices.

“The church should act firmly against injustices. Am not giving blanket criticism against the church, but we have seen for example church leaders associating themselves with injustices of our country,” he added.

After a brawl broke out at the tallying center between supporters and officials from both political sides, Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit was compelled to step in.

President Willliam Ruto was under fire at the time of Raila's comments for his strong participation with the church in governmental activities ever since he rose to power.

Reuben Kigame, a prior candidate for president, advanced his position earlier by noting that the new administration had taken a new direction in which state duties were in line with religious traditions.

Ruto had positioned himself as the church's spokesman during his campaigns, and he had struck a number of agreements designed to preserve the church's influence over social issues.

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