Raila Alleges There is a “Killer Squad” In Government Targeting Opposition Leaders and Supporters

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Jul 16, 2023 06:07
Azimio La Umoja Party Leader Raila Odinga. Photo| Courtesy

Azimio La Umoja One Coalition leader Raila Odinga now says that Kenya Kwanza Government has allegedly embedded a trained killer squad by the name of Operation Support Unit to squash opposition leaders who will be participating in Next week’s Maandamano.

The not-so-known unit is supposedly headed by one Zakary Kariuki and their intention is to harm Azimio Leaders and protestors.

In a statement posted on Twitter and Facebook by Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, stated that the ruling Government is trying to instill terror in Kenyans so that they surrender to the excesses of the regime.

“These Killings are meant to spread fear among Kenyans so that they succumb to the excesses of the regime. Unfortunately, this time round, it is not just the official security officers that are being unleashed on Kenyans.”

“Kenya Kwanza has embedded a trained killer squad in the name of Operation Support Unit into the official security agencies and unleashed it on Kenyans.” the statement stated.

The opposition has maintained that they will not bend to the fear being instilled by the government and have vowed to continue pressing on.

“Kenyans have never lost a liberation struggle. We get beaten, arrested, and killed but we never lose. In the past, we have suffered detention without trial, police brutality and even a totally compliant judiciary and still, we did not lose. We shall not lose the one currently underway,” Raila Odinga stated.

Speaking at a Church Service in Tharaka Nithi County, the Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki dared opposition leader Raila Odinga on planned demonstrations.

“I stand here today to promise that all the criminals who are preparing to kill people and terrorize everybody, I am ready for you! We are ready for you,” Kindiki warns Raila Odinga.



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