President William Ruto Signs a KSH.8.7 Billion Deal to Procure Electric Buses

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Sep 20, 2023 06:09
MCC CEO Alice Albright, President Ruto and National Treasury CS Njuguna Ndung’u. Photo| Courtesy

President William Ruto has officially inked an agreement worth Ksh8.7 billion ($59.2 million) with the US foreign aid agency Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) aimed at procuring electric buses to ease traffic congestion in the Nairobi Metropolitan area.

In a statement, President Ruto stated that the joint agreement with the development partners will seemingly offer innovative transport solutions that will enhance Kenya’s economic competitiveness.

“An efficient public transport system improves economic productivity. We are working with development partners to deploy innovative transport solutions that increase the competitiveness of our economy and improve the welfare of our people,” Ruto stated.

The MCC Board of Directors further emphasized that the project seeks to assist Kenya in addressing limited connectivity in urban areas.

“The Kenya Urban Mobility and Growth Threshold Program seeks to assist Kenya in addressing limited connectivity in urban areas, a critical constraint to inclusive economic growth,” MCC wrote on its website.

This comes after Kenya secured KSh50 billion ($377 million) from a consortium of European agencies to build a dedicated electric bus lane in Nairobi.

The European Union (EU) who are the funders of the Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) will collaborate with other organizations closely with the ruling Government.

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