President William Ruto Named Most Influential African Leader On Twitter In 2022

ByMitchell Awuor
Published on: Dec 07, 2022 06:12
President William Ruto. Photo Courtesy

President William Ruto was rated the most influential African Head of State on Twitter in 2022, a new report from communications agency BCW Global has revealed.


Ruto is followed internationally by Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, who are ranked positions 18 and 29, respectively, in the 2022 World Leader Power Ranking report from BCW's Twiplomacy.


According to the New World Leaders rating, President Ruto, who is ranked 13th overall, is also the third most influential leader.

"The new ranking algorithm created by Twiplomacy is intended to show how influential a given set of handles are on Twitter. The algorithm applies a customized weighting to characteristics such as mentions, tweets, retweets, reach, impressions, follower changes, likes, and follower count given a given time period and list of Twitter accounts” the agency stated.


"For further contextualization, comparison, and understanding of the ranking's influencing aspects, it then added additional variables like gender, age, tenure in office, and others. Big personalities, geopolitical heft, and a sizable domestic following are all present in the top three, which combined determine a world leader's influence on the platform."



Other elements that affect a leader's performance on social media platforms are their ability to react quickly, their sincerity, and their sense of style and humor.


The survey names Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the most influential leader on Twitter globally. Joe Biden, the US vice president, and Recep Tayyip Erdoan, the Turkish president, are placed after him.

Colombia's Gustavo Petro and Brazil's Jair M. Bolsonaro were named the fourth and fifth most influential leaders on the planet respectively.


Venezuela's Nicolás Maduro, Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky Canada's Justin Tradeau, El Salvador's Nayib Bukele and Chile's Gabriel Boric Font rounded off the top ten most influential world leaders list.


Twiplomacy's top 10 leaders are two years younger than the typical world leader in terms of age, with an average age of 58, according to the statement.


The analysis discovered that younger leaders are more likely to use emojis to interact with their followers, with the top five under 50 using more than the other top five combined.

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