President Ruto Says No to LGBTQ

ByLamech Aungo
Published on: Mar 02, 2023 04:03
President William Ruto. Photo|Courtesy

President William has today said no to the queer community also known as LGBTQIA. The president, who was leading the commemoration of International Women’s day at KICC, criticized the Supreme Court’s ruling on LGBTQ saying that such cannot be allowed in Kenya under his watch.

President Ruto urged members of parliament to legislate against such organizations in the country. ‘’Who will marry you if these men marry each other’’? The president sarcastically asked women who attended the function.

The President urged religious leaders to teach people against homosexuality more, especially the young generation that is targeted by LGBTQIA.He also called on school institutions to stop teaching or showing materials that promote homosexuality.

Since the supreme court ruling on LGBTQ that gave them a right of association and registration under the NGOs board, this has spiked a  hot debate as religious leaders came out gun blazing against that ruling.

Members of parliament led by Homa-bay member of parliament Peter Kaluma now wants homosexuality punishable in Kenya.Kaluma who has had a long stand against introduction of gay rights in Kenya, has also contributed immensely in legislation on matters of the family.

On Wednesday March 1st members of parliament heavily debated on the Supreme Court ruling as nearly all members from both sides criticized the ruling vowing to make homosexuality punishable in Kenya.

As the wave of homosexuality and gay rights sweep across the continent, it will be interesting to watch if our moral, cultural, religious and traditional fabrics will hold. The test of time will reveal.

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