Post-Election Victims want Raila to Stop “The People’s Barazas”

ByIan Keitany
Published on: Feb 14, 2023 11:02
Raila Odinga and Martha Karua ||Photo Courtesy

Victims of the post-election violence are calling on Raila Odinga and his Azimio one Kenya team to call off their countrywide rallies.

The Victims say that the rallies are bringing a rise in political temperatures and want the former prime minister to focus on uniting the country.

The opposition has vehemently opposed the election of President Ruto and has termed his government as illegitimate.

Led by Peter Tena, the patron of Kenya Internally Displaced Persons Organization (KIDPO) the victims insisted that it was time political leaders in the country united for a common purpose of pulling the country’s politics out of the swamps of ethnicity and sectarianism into the domain of issues and ideas.

“Politics is over and both the government and the opposition should work for the best interests of all Kenyans irrespective of how they voted. Issues of hunger, economy, employment and development opportunities or of interest across all communities,” Tena stated.

They are now calling upon all leaders irrespective of their political affiliation to work together towards building a more inclusive society, a more just government and a more prosperous economy where all Kenyans matter and no one is left behind.

The Azimio One Kenya team recently toured and held a rally in Busia County, where they reiterated that the Ruto-led government should vacate office as they are in power illegally.

The victims also urged President William Ruto to ensure that the one million acres of land purchased by the government between 2012 and 2022 are distributed to the victims of post-election violence.

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