Police Kill One Person During a Protest over an Accident that Led to the Death of a Student

ByNelly Kiando
Published on: May 16, 2023 02:05
An image of residents protesting. Photo|Courtesy

The incident involved police and an angry resident who were protesting, which led to the police officer opening fire that led to the death of a 35-years old bodaboda rider, who died at Nambale sub-county hospital while receiving treatment. Two other people were injured during the commotion and were rushed to Nambale sub-county hospital.

The resident protested following an accident that happened last week killing a form one student from Munami secondary school. The student was knocked by a vehicle that was being trailed by police for allegedly being involved in illegal business. The residents were demanding the police to respond to the incident.

The father of the boy said the boy met his untimely death while coming home from school after he was sent for school fees. That’s when he received the news of his son’s death. The father is calling on the government to intervene and ensure that justice for his son has been served.

The family now wants the Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki to intervene and transfer all the police officers at the station for negligence and misconduct.

The locals are lamenting that the police have been putting their lives at risk instead of protecting them.



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