Pastor Dies Trying To Fast For 40 Days Like Jesus

ByEdgar Wabwire
Published on: Feb 17, 2023 12:02
Courtesy of LookUp Tv

A pastor in Mozambique died after attempting to fast for 40 days like Jesus in the Bible. The self-proclaimed Man of God had only fasted for 25 days.

Francisco Barajah, 39, the founder of the Santa Trindade Evangelical Church, died on Wednesday, 13 February 2023, in a hospital in Beira.

Barajah's digestive organs had failed by the time he received medical attention. He was diagnosed with acute anemia, which occurs when the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells to carry enough oxygen.

His family and followers noticed that Barajah had become ill after 25 days of fasting and insisted on his admission to the hospital, where he was given serums to help him rehydrate.


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The leader and founder of the Santa Trindade Evangelical Church had lost so much weight that he could not stand or breathe after 25 days of going without food.

Staff at Hospital Central da Beria tried to reintroduce liquid foods into his diet, but his organs were in such bad shape that eating hurt him.

Marques Manuel Barajah, his brother, said Barajah had fasted but claimed he had low blood pressure and objected to the medical diagnosis.

The man of God died in hospital

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