Opposition Leader Raila Calls Upon Prosecution Of Chebukati

ByDebra Natasha
Published on: Dec 28, 2022 11:12
Opposition Leader Raila Odinga |Photo Courtesy of the Internet

IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati should be prosecuted and put on trial, according to Azimio la Umoja Chief and leader of the opposition Raila Odinga, for his actions during the elections on August 9.

Odinga stated that he is adamant that Chebukati alone should be held accountable for what transpired during the elections.

“I firmly believe that he should be put in the dock, not the other four commissioners,” Odinga declared.

He further asserted that the national tallying centre, not the polling places, was where his election victory was fraudulently obtained.

In contrast to what the coalition's leaders have asserted, Raila argued that votes were tampered with at Bomas of Kenya in Nairobi.

Saitabao Kanchory, the chief agent for Azimio, had earlier asserted that Raila's loss was caused by the coalition's lack of representation in several polling places.


Kanchory also said that some of Raila's closest aides, including Suna East MP Junet Mohamed, handled the election workers improperly.

Because Azimio handled the problem of agents poorly, according to Raila, he did not lose the election.

President William Ruto received 7.18 million votes, while Raila received 6.94 million (40.85%). (50.49 per cent) making him lose to President Ruto.





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