Mwangaza Ouster: The Senate to Decide on December 30

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Dec 28, 2022 07:12
Kawira Mwangaza in the Senate Chamber. Photo/Courtesy

The Senate will convene on Friday, December 30, 2022, for a special sitting to determine the impeachment fate of Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza.


Speaking at the impeachment trial, Senate speaker Amason Kingi says the sitting, slated for 2:30 pm, will be preceded by the swearing-in of newly-elected Bungoma senator David Wakoli.


"Notice is given to all Senators that I have appointed Friday, 30th December 2022, as a day for a special sitting of the Senate. The sitting shall be held in the Senate Chamber, Main Parliament Buildings, Ground Floor, Nairobi, commencing at 2.30 p.m.," Speaker Amason Kingi said notice.


"The business to be transacted at the sitting shall be the — (a) swearing-in of David Wakoli Wafula, the Senator-elect for Bungoma County; and (b) consideration of the Report of the Special Committee on the Proposed Removal from Office, by impeachment, of the Governor of Meru County,” Kingi said in a special Gazette Notice issued Wednesday.


A special committee of the Senate led by Kakamega's Bonny Khalwale is set to retreat after Wednesday's hearings to prepare a report that will be tabled in the Senate on Friday's special sitting.


The report will either uphold the impeachment of Mwangaza by the County Assembly or reject it.


Kawera Mwangaza was on December 14, 2022 accused of nepotism, illegal appointments, unlawful dismissal of the constitution, and statutory functions of county organs. She denied all the allegations.




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