MP Wants Government to come up with National Fund for GBV Survivors

ByNelvin Mulama
Published on: May 06, 2023 08:05
A photo of Mary Emase, MP Teso South. Photo|Courtesy

Teso South Member of Parliament, Mary Emase wants the parliament to ensure the government through the appropriate ministry creates a fund that will support victims of Gender-Based Violence.

According to International Rescue Committee, Gender-based violence is a general term for any harmful act whether physical, sexual or psychological that is committed against a person’s will, be it a man or a woman.

Emase stated that Gender-based violence is a serious violation of human rights with statistics recording that one in every three women experience GBV of any kind during their lifetime.

According to Article 29 of the constitution of Kenya, every Kenyan citizen has the right to freedom of protection and security.

Emase said the fund will enable GBV survivors to have adequate access to the services they require explaining that responses towards GBV incidences should be managed critically so as to stop the impacts that it leaves on the survivors.

She added that GBV rescue centres and safe homes in the country are limited and have inadequate resources that are needed by the survivors of Gender-Based Violence.

Emase said the fund will not only help victims of GBV but will also help in shaping the perpetrators during their rehabilitation period so that they get fully reformed before they are released to society.


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