MP Silvanus Osoro In Trouble Over Bribery Remarks in Bomet

ByEdgar Wabwire
Published on: Nov 02, 2023 10:11
MP Silvanus Osoro. Photo Courtesy

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission has summoned South Mugirango MP Silvanus Osoro following remarks he made during a National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) event in Bomet County on October 29. 

Osoro allegedly admitted to receiving tokens from fellow MPs during the event organized by Woman Rep Linet Toto.

"Sasa wewe ukipiga kelele hapa hautakula pesa. We unafikiria mimi ni maskini? Mi napanganga laini hapa watu wanakula mia mbili wakienda. Hizi ni vitu ndogo sana. Unanyamaza, nazungumza alafu nakulipa," he said.

"Mimi nimekuwa bunge siku mingi na nimetengeneza kitu ya kutosha. Na mimi ndio chief whip kule bungeni. Hao wabunge wote mimi ndio nawasimamia na wakitaka kuenda ng'ambo wanakuja kwa ofisi yangu wananiachia yangu ndio wanaenda." he added

The remarks by the lawmaker have landed him in trouble the EACC surmounting him to appear at EACC headquarters on Monday, November 5, 2023, to shed light on what he meant by his statements.

"In light of these serious ethical concerns, the Commission has ordered Mr. Osoro to appear at EACC headquarters at Integrity Centre, Nairobi on November 6, 2023, at 9:00 am. The purpose of this appearance is to address the allegations, participate in an interview, and provide a statement," stated EACC.

Osoro's remarks led to chaos at the Bomet event, with an agitated crowd forcing him to cut his speech short. He and other officials present were hurriedly evacuated from the scene.

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