More Graves Discovered in Shakahola Forest in Malindi as Rescue Missions Continues

ByMaureen Lurare
Published on: Apr 21, 2023 01:04
A police land cruiser. Photo Courtesy

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has discovered 12 more graves during their operation to rescue the followers of a cult in Shakahola forest.

The number of graves has risen to 27 but three more people were rescued by the team among them is a minor, according to the children's rights officer some of the graves may contain bodies of children.

The total number of those who died is yet to be confirmed as it is suspected that each grave may contain more than one body, the following day of the rescue operations was a challenge as some of the followers of the cult decided to stay in the forest.

Among the three that were found is a 16-year-old girl, she was rushed to the Malindi Sub-County hospital for urgent treatment as it was reported that she was in critical condition due to the fast that was ordered by the cult.

Children’s rights officers criticized the Government as they failed to stop the religious group's activities.

The officers found materials that contains religious teachings in an abandoned home and visited nearby homes to rescue more members of the cult that are most likely to escape from the officer’s grasp.

Investigations are still ongoing as pastor Mackenzie and some of his followers are in custody at the Malindi Police Station.

The county says that those who are rescued and discharged from the hospital are not completely free, as they could face attempted suicide charges.

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