Mombasa Health Workers Halt Strike

ByDebra Natasha
Published on: Dec 13, 2022 09:12
Health workers halt strike | Photo Courtesy of Internet

The strike, which was supposed to begin yesterday, has been stopped thanks to a court injunction secured by the Mombasa County government. The employer referenced an ongoing case that was brought before the Employment and Labour Relations Court in March of this year.

Kenya National Union of Nurses (KNUN), Kenya Union of Clinical Officers (KUCO), Kenya Health Professional Society (KHPS), Kenya Union of Medical Laboratory Officers (KUMLO), and Kenya Union of Pharmaceutical Technologists (KUPT) all called off the strike after negotiations with the employer failed.

As of today (Tuesday), a conciliator chosen by the Ministry of Labor will meet with representatives from the county's employer and the heads of the various unions to discuss the complaints.

The national team of the union has called off the strike, according to Dr Ghalib Salim, secretary of the KMPPDU Mombasa branch, who made the announcement yesterday. He stated, "The national team has suspended the strike, and we have no choice but to obey." This was done to give them time to make the payments.

The employer must settle November salaries and statutory deductions, according to the union’s demands.



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