Miguna: Sakaja Is the Worst Performing Governor

ByJacob Ochiro
Published on: May 07, 2024 12:05
Photo of Miguna Speaking|| Courtesy

Controversial Lawyer Miguna Miguna has upscaled his attacks on Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja in a recent interview.

The Lawyer who once vied for Nairobi governorship has criticized the leadership of Sakaja and even alleged that Sakaja is looting more than previous governors Evans Kidero and Mike Sonko.

“Sakaja is orchestrating the worst governance disaster in the Republic of Kenya. He is the worst-performing Governor. Imagine Sakaja loots more than Kidero and Sonko combined.”. “Nairobi is not organized. It is dirty and completely filthy.”

Miguna also questioned the qualifications of Governor Sakaja alleging that Sakaja Does not have a degree. “He does not even have the qualifications to be Nairobi governor. He does not have a degree.”

This attack has come in the wake of similar attacks that have been thrown at the City boss for what has been referred to as poor leadership.

Sakaja replied to his critics during the Labour Day celebrations at Uhuru Gardens saying that he will not be distracted and that it was all political and it will come to an end.

Sakaja yesterday appeared before the Senate Public Accounts Committee chaired by Homabay Senator Moses Kajwang.

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