Miguna Miguna Blasts Government Over Finance Bill

ByHenry Tende
Published on: May 30, 2023 10:05
Miguna Miguna and President Ruto. Photo Courtesy

As sharp divisions continue to rock the now controversial 2023 finance bill 2023, Dr Miguna Miguna who has in recent past been on good terms with President William Ruto and his Kenya Kwanza Government has now strongly blasted the Head of State and his deputy Rigathi Gachagua for insisting on implementation of the bill despite growing conspicuous voices of discontent from Kenyans, civil society groups, private business entities and the opposition coalition Azimio.

Taking to his Twitter handle in what he calls unsolicited advice to Kenya Kwanza, President William Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, Dr Miguna has appealed to the Government to pull back and listen to Kenyans.

He has advised the regime of President Ruto to withdraw the Finance Bill 2023 as well as postpone the implementation of the housing levy that has proven extremely unpopular with a section of Kenyans.

With the Kenya Kwanza government insistent on the passage of the bill that close handlers of President Ruto are championing despite glaring objection from Kenyans, Miguna is now calling on the commander-in-chief to hire new, independent and truthful advisors in addition to reshuffling the communication team that he argues should have at least two or three fresh faces.

He goes ahead to ask President Ruto not to surround himself and rely primarily on yes men and women to run the Government also of concern to the outspoken lawyer is the recent appointments in key government jobs.

Miguna argues there's a perception within the Kenyan populace that only two tribes benefit at the expense of other equally deserving Kenyans.

The flamboyant lawyer has advised President Ruto to eliminate the perception that critical Government employment opportunities are exclusively a preserve of two communities.

More importantly, Dr Miguna wants the head of state to stop hiring and recycling incompetent failures and graft-riddled conmen in his Government.

Much has been said about deputy president Rigathi Gachagua's statement likening Kenya to a shareholding company where the ruling Kenya Kwanza are the majority shareholders.

Miguna is advising the government to drop any reckless talk on this emotive and divisive topic saying that it is political suicide on the part of the Government.

Dr Miguna has implored President William Ruto and Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua not to be defensive or argue with the people. He argues regimes that are ignorant of the suffering and discontent of their people fall from grace too fast as he draws in how the late President Kibaki suffered a humiliating defeat in a referendum two years after winning the presidency with a landslide.

Dr. Miguna warns the opposition chief Raila Odinga is gaining political mileage as President Ruto and his soldiers fail to engage Kenyans in a transparent, respectful, and accountable manner.

Dr. Miguna has sent a passionate appeal to President Ruto to address the high cost of living, corruption, and tribalism. Only these three he says, will steady the Kenya Kwanza ship and arrest its downward spiral.



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