Mbeere Leaders Call for Justice as EACC Arrest Six Members of Land Board

ByLook Up Tv Reporter
Published on: Feb 27, 2023 11:02
EACC offices at Integrity Centre. Photo| Courtsey

Leaders in Mbeere South Constituency of Embu County have lauded the move by EACC officers to probe the land control board that sits at Kiritiri once a month.
The leaders noted that corruption and lack of integrity had stagnated the process of land adjudication, especially in the controversial Mwea settlement scheme.
Mbeere South MP Eng Nebart Múriúki said there was an outcry from members of the public who complained of exorbitant costs for any service by the land control board.
Speaking at a thanksgiving service of Makíma MCA Philip Nzangi, Múriúki warned residents of Mbeere against paying any bribes to get services related to land.
He further warned visitors from other parts of the country that despite the Constituency having a vast land, the pieces of land belong to individual owners
He asked those willing to acquire land to consult the owners rather than settling without consent or using force and other monkey tricks to acquire the land.
Embu Women rep Njoki Njerú called for a thorough audit of the board to ensure that justice was served to all without victimizing particular members of the board or the public.
Embu Senator Alexander Mundigi called for fast tracking the settlement of land disputes in the area which must be done fairly and with integrity.
Kimbeere ward MCA Lenny Mwaniki observed that it was a shame that corruption was the order of the day at the land control board adding that this had denied many residents good services.
He called for the disbandment of the whole board and to have new members recruited.
On Friday six members were arrested by EACC and questioned for hours before being released on bond and appearing at Kírítirí police station for further interrogation.

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