Legendary Kenyan Boxer Peter Mwarangu Passes on

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Jan 23, 2023 09:01
A photo of Peter Mwarangu. Photo|Courtesy

Former National boxing team head coach Peter Mwarangu has passed on.

The 82-year-old passed away on Sunday, 22nd  at around 7 pm following a long-term illness.

In a statement, the Boxing Federation of Kenya (BFK) eulogized Mwaragu as a legend, sending its condolences to the late coach Peter boxer's family.

“We sincerely pass our condolences to the family and friends of the late coach Mwarangu,” a statement read.

The federation termed Mwaragu as a passionate and devoted leader who contributed to Kenyan boxing industry.

“Coach Mwarangu served the sport of boxing with a great deal of dedication, passion and commitment,” said BFK.

According to the Boxing Federation of Kenya, preparations for the funeral will be shared with the boxing community.

In 2020, his family made a plea for help to take him to the hospital as he was unable to walk and needed assistance from an aide.

Kenya Police coach Munhue referred to Mwarangu as a different soul.

‘He did so many good things that others don’t know about. For example, he once took Suleiman Bilali to his own house for rehabilitation when he had his issues with the Police department as an employee. He stayed there for five months and it's just one of the many things he did and was never highlighted” said Munuhe.

Mwarangu was a member of Kenya's Olympic squad that competed in the 1968 Mexico Games and has coached for more than 40 years.

The legendary coach founded the Kenya Prisons Boxing club.

In his coaching career, he led the ‘Hit the Squad’ to record-breaking eight gold medal victories.

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