Kisumu Day School Shock: Four Students Caught in Bhang Bust – Facing Legal Consequences Amid Rising Teen Drug Abuse

ByCynthia Achieng'
Published on: Nov 14, 2023 11:11
Cannabis sativa mostly known as "weed". Photo Courtesy.

Drug abuse has been something we have been dealing with as a country for years. Tobacco is the second in rank of the most abused drugs in Kenya as people from the age of 15-24 years tend to abuse it more.

 In the recent past, we have seen teenagers abuse drugs in the country and get jailed for that offence.

 Four form four students at Kisumu Day Secondary School were arrested on Monday after allegedly being found smoking bhang in the school compound.

 Reports say that the four forcefully broke into a room where they were caught smoking the substance using a master key to gain access.

 The students were released afterwards on police bail to allow them to sit the remaining KCSE papers before being charged.

According to UHSU studies, teen cannabis has increased 245% over 20 years.

Mulai says that three boys were 18 years of age and the other was 17.

Possession of cannabis in a high school in Kenya is illegal, in fact, possession of cannabis anywhere in Kenya is illegal.

Kisumu Central sub-county Police Commander, Peter Mulai says the decision to release them on bail was arrived at after a meeting between the police, their parents, and the school administration.

The four will appear before a court of law upon completing the ongoing examinations to face charges of being in possession of bhang.



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