Kilifi Azimio leaders tell voters to elect Raila as president to break monotony

ByLook Up Tv Reporter
Published on: Dec 02, 2022 01:12
Kilifi Azimio leaders tell voters to elect Raila

Azimio la Umoja one Kenya’s leaders in Kilifi County have asked Kenyans to vote for Raila Odinga to be the fifth president of the republic so as to break the monotony of two tribes ruling the nation since independence.

Led by Gideon Mung’aro who is the ODM Gubernatorial hopeful in Kilifi the leaders said a vote for Raila will be the beginning of opening up room for other ethnic groups to also have a chance to rule the nation.

Addressing a rally at Kwa Vumbi grounds in the Malindi constituency during the final campaigns ahead of August 9 the former Devolution CAS said the Azimio flagbearer once elected shall only serve for one term and give way to other leaders from different ethnic groups to become president.

” I have come to tell you that the Elections of August 9 is an election for change in our country because we are going to change the president of Kenya, for the last 59 years Kenya has been ruled by few people despite that there are over 44 tribes,” he said.

This year Mung’aro said as Coastal leaders they resolved to support Raila because they want Kenya to change the voting patterns of the presidency in the country.

He said the aim is to ensure anyone can become president regardless of his ethnic background.

“If we continue voting the same way we used to since independence no son of Shella will become president that’s why we support Raila Odinga to break the notion of the country that certain people alone have the audacity to rule,” he said.

In Tanzania, Mung’aro said the late president John Magufuli was elected despite the fact that he hailed from the Makonde community which is the smallest ethnic group in that country.

He said as leaders they want it to be possible for a leader from the Minority Watta Community from Chamari to become president of Kenya.

The Kilifi ODM Candidate who was accompanied by Malindi Parliamentary candidate Amina Mnyazi, and Shella Ward MCA hopeful Twahir Abdulkarim also urged them to vote for him as Governor together with all other ODM candidates so as to bring change.

He said his competitors are beneficiaries of the county government that have served for the last 10 years unlike him who has not done any business with the county.

Some of the leaders who are eying for the top county seat he claimed made wealth from tenders that were paid for ghost projects.

On her part, Mnyazi called on Kilifi county residents to reject Pamoja African Alliance party candidates as they were allegedly the same who looted funds.
She said Kilifi people want development and not a political party adding that they do not deserve to be elected.

“If PAA people come here take their money but if you want development, change, and people who will walk with you it’s this team of ODM that will deliver,” she said.
The Malindi parliamentary hopeful called on the youth to desist from being used to instigate violence and ensure that the elections go on smoothly.

Abdulkarim also called on residents to reject leaders who are dividing people on ethnic grounds.

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