Kiambu MCAs Threaten to Outster Governor Kimani Wamatangi

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Jan 09, 2023 05:01
Kiambu MCAs storm outside Governor Wamatangi's office.

Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi on the verge of being impeached by Members of the County Assembly (MCAs).

On Monday, 9 January 2023, a group of Kiambu MCAs protested outside Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi's office, accusing him of ignoring them in the administration of county issues.

The MCAs claim that Governor Kimani Wamatangi belittles them stating they will not allow this to continue.

They have now vowed to evict Governor Kimani Wamatangi from office through impeachment.

In a video seen by Look UP TV Digital, the MCAs were captured chanting anti-Wamatangi songs.

The new brawl on the governor comes two months after the MCAs publicly criticized the governor's leadership style for the first time.

Some MCAs referred to him as a dictator who demands that everything be done his way.

This occurred despite the assembly's committee on appointments reporting that all ten cabinet nominees were qualified to serve on their respective dockets.

The governor then denied any feud with MCAs in the assembly.

“There’s no bad blood between me and the MCAs because our motive is to serve and deliver services to the people of Kiambu,” he said.

Kiambu, according to Wamatangi, has lagged in growth over the last ten years due to continual squabbles between MCAs and the administration.

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