Kenyan Norway Based Striker Alfred Scriven Joins Harambee Stars

BySylvy Achacha
Published on: Mar 21, 2023 02:03
Kenyan Norway based striker Alfred Scriven. Photo| File

Alfred Scriven, a talented Kenyan striker based in Norway, is currently receiving a massive breakthrough in his career after being signed to the Kenya national football team, Harambee stars. Harambee star coach Engin Firat first reached out to him on Facebook then later requested if he could contact the striker through WhatsApp.

“We talked and he was direct to the point as he asked me to join the team. I was shocked but this was a good opportunity for my career” said Alfred Scriven.

The 25-year-old who currently plays for IL Hodd in Norway second tier, was born and raised in Kenya with a Kenyan mother and a British father. After he turned 17 they relocated to Norway division 2 leaving him with no choice but to forget about his dream of joining a Kenyan National Team. He never thought that someone from Kenya would be able to scout him from Norway until Firat found him.

The striker is currently in Kenya trying to adapt and rest after a long journey. Moreover, Alfred claims that the team mates have been welcoming and kind to him. “The best part is scoring goals and I can’t say I am a selfish striker. If I have a chance to play my team in a good position, then I will.”

Firat described the Kenyan league as a soft league and Alfred's arrival to the league brings in something he missed which is being physical. In addition, he added that the Norwegian is hardworking, aggressive and very good at high ball.

The striker currently is focusing on getting to know people in camp and how the team plays.

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