KANU Suspends Secretary General Nick Salat

ByMitchell Awuor
Published on: Dec 15, 2022 06:12
KANU’s Secretary General Nick Salat. Photo Courtesy

Nick Salat has been placed on administrative leave by the Kenya African National Union (KANU) party.


The party opted to dismiss Salat due to allegations of misbehavior in a letter sent by the National Chairman, Gideon Moi, on Thursday.


“This is to notify you that in the National Executive Council (NEC) meeting on 15th December, several complaints on your conduct and violation of the party constitution were placed before the members for discussion,” read the letter.


“You be and are hereby suspended forthwith from carrying out and/or performing your duties as the Party's Secretary General pending the determination of the disciplinary proceedings.”


Moi stated that the NEC had deemed the accusations made against Salat to be "serious" and that the disciplinary committee, which has already been established, would hear his case and make a decision after one month.


“While noting that complaints on their face appeared serious, the jurisdiction to deal with matters constituting disciplinary measures lies with the Disciplinary Committee created under article 34 of the Constitution,” stated Moi.


He added: “The disciplinary proceedings are expedited and determined within 30 days from the date hereof.”


Following contradictory statements made by Salat in his capacity as Secretary-General, KANU made its announcement.


On Wednesday, Salat declared that the party would hold elections the following year, with a significant reorganization of the group's leadership anticipated.


“We are not doing well at the moment and that is a fact. We need change, otherwise, we're not going anywhere,” Salat was quoted.


“No one is directly targeted. What we are saying is that we want to transform the party and make it dynamic yet again

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