Kakamega Man Swindles Government of KSH 11M in A Fake School Scam

ByEdgar Wabwire
Published on: Oct 13, 2023 11:10
An Image of Kenyan Currency. Photo Courtesy

In a shocking case of corruption and fraud, Joshua Momanyi Ochari, a former clerk at the Ministry of Education in Kenya, recently made headlines for orchestrating a deceptive scheme that led to a loss of over KSH 11 million in public funds. 

Momanyi's audacious plan involved the creation of a fictitious institution, Mundeku Secondary School, purportedly located in Khwisero, Kakamega County. He managed to funnel Government funds meant for school programs into his own bank account under the guise of supporting this non-existent school. 

This illicit operation spanned several years and was uncovered only after it had grown to a staggering total of KSH 11,131,305.00.

Joshua Momanyi's fraudulent scheme was nothing short of audacious. With a combination of audacity and cunning, he successfully fabricated Mundeku Secondary School, seamlessly inserting it into official Government records. 

What's more, he went a step further and linked his personal bank account to this phantom school, thereby ensuring that he received substantial sums of money on a termly basis. Over a period of at least two years, the total amount amassed exceeded KSH 11 million.

Unbeknownst to the authorities, Momanyi's ill-gotten gains were not simply stashed away. He used part of the misappropriated funds to make tangible and valuable purchases, including the acquisition of two parcels of land and a motor vehicle.

However, these assets have come under scrutiny, and the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has declared them to be proceeds of crime, rendering them liable for forfeiture to the Government of Kenya.
The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) has demonstrated a commendable commitment to addressing corruption in this case. Promptly taking action, they compiled a comprehensive criminal file detailing the extensive fraudulent activities of Joshua Momanyi Ochari.

This file has been forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), accompanied by a recommendation that Momanyi be arrested and charged with a range of serious offences, which include:

Abuse of Office: Momanyi is accused of misusing his position within the Ministry of Education for personal gain, thereby violating the trust placed in him by the public and his employer.

 Knowingly Deceiving His Employer: Through the elaborate creation and management of Mundeku Secondary School, Momanyi engaged in a pattern of deceit that enabled him to funnel substantial Government funds into his personal bank account.

 Fraudulent Acquisition of Public Property: Momanyi unlawfully acquired over KSH 11 million of public money, which was intended for vital school programs, thereby depriving legitimate institutions of much-needed resources.

The case of Joshua Momanyi Ochari serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing issue of corruption and embezzlement that continues to plague many countries worldwide, including Kenya. 

The Government's resolute commitment to addressing and preventing such crimes is evident in the rapid response from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC). As this case unfolds, it underscores the vital importance of transparency, accountability, and the need for stringent measures to prevent and combat corruption within government institutions.

Moreover, this case sends a clear message to those who may consider exploiting their positions for personal gain – the consequences can be severe, not only in terms of financial restitution but also through criminal charges that can have lasting repercussions on one's life and career.

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