Interior CS Kindiki Relocates to North Rift to Curb Banditry Attacks in the Region

ByNasha Kagua
Published on: Feb 12, 2023 05:02
Interior CS Kithuri Kindiki. Photo|Courtesy

President William Ruto on Sunday, February 12th revealed that he ordered the Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithuri Kindiki to relocate from Nairobi- based offices to the North Rift region in a move to curb the banditry attacks.

Speaking in an interdenominational church service in Nakuru County, the head of state confirmed that the Interior CS will be based in the North Rift region till the uproar of insecurity in the North Rift region is solved.

"I know we have issues regarding security operations in North Rift. Out of all CSs you have been shown, the Interior CS is not here. This is because he is there. Today he was in Baringo. Previously, he was in Turkana. I instructed Kindiki to leave Nairobi and go live in the North Rift until the vice of people losing their lives stops." he said. 

Ruto went ahead to state that his administration is determined to put an end to the banditry attacks in specific regions affected.

“With the government's efforts, we will deal with them and ensure no Kenyan life is lost. We will deal with them ruthlessly,” he noted.

This comes after four GSU officers were killed among six other people, with three police cars set on fire along Lodwar- Kitale highway.

Banditry attacks have become a huge challenge to the people of the North Rift region, as they are calling out on Ruto’s government to protect them.

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