Insiders Reveal A Looming Handshake Between President Ruto and Raila Odinga

ByEdgar Wabwire
Published on: Jan 30, 2024 09:01
President William Ruto and Raila Odinga. Photo Courtesy

In the heart of Bondo, the political landscape echoed with a surprising revelation as Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi, a key figure in the political chessboard, dropped a bombshell that hinted at a potential handshake between President William Ruto and the formidable Opposition leader Raila Odinga. 

The mere hint of a handshake between two figures known for their political divergence sent shockwaves through the nation. 

The political landscape had been marked by intense rivalries and opposing ideologies between President William Ruto and Raila Odinga, making the prospect of a handshake a seemingly improbable scenario.

Mudavadi's announcement hinted at a potential shift in the dynamics of Kenyan politics, challenging the status quo and offering a glimmer of hope for political unity. 

“Very soon we will have a surprise, mark this date and place that I said this.” Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi said during a Sunday meeting in Bondo.

Upon publishing this, insiders anchored to both parties confided to Look Up Digital that there was something cooking between the two camps.

However, political analysts say that a handshake between the government and opposition will make President William Ruto’s state house journey in 2027 an easy task.

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